Here are the issue I have with version:
1. There is no Jouney Planner. You cannot use it to determine how you can go from point A to B.
2. Unless you are at the bustop - read the bustop number or use the map function, or use another app to find the bus top number, you cannot find out what busese are at the location.
3. There is no bus guide and the route of the bus. Without a guide, you cannot get the bust top number, or dertmine where to stop.
4 To add a bustop to favourite you have to remember the number, then add it in the first screen. Plesse let us fo it after selecting the bustop.
5. let us set the distance you seek out MRT station. 600m is to short a distance, and GPS may not be accurate. I am at Chinatown point offuce block and it cannit find an MRT station. May be it is because it is not on SMRT map ;-)
6. becuae you only include SMRT info, chances of me using this is less, especually if others include both your and SBS Transit info.
Correct the above it would be. 5 star app.
I should also point out that others apps of similar nature are not perfect. It all depend on where I am and where I am going to to decide what app I would use.
In general if I have to plan my route, I use Google map.
If I am taking SBS bus, then I would use IRIS otherwise SG Buses. (I bough BUS@SG, but there seemed to no update)
SG Buses is useful for route checking and bustop number ..
senilagu about SMRTConnect