Never provide useful info such as bus arrival time.
Never provide useful info such as bus arrival time.
Does not even worth 1 star
Dont bother It doesnt list all buses Useless useless useless Who are these people?
If there were no stars as a minimum rating I would have rated that instead. This app is poor and does not even list most of the bus services especially the new bus services. The bus service running in my neighbourhood has been in service since 3 years ago. When I launch the app to select the bus stop, it does not list that bus number. Searching for the specific bus number also proves futile. Youre better off accessing those information from its web site instead.
Most bus data is wrong. Bus routes which do not exist. Buses stopping at places they do not stop. Not just a little wrong. More like none of the data displayed for my bus stop is correct. There is zero overlap. Clearly this app has not been updated in a very long time. I would imagine four or five years.
The developer of this app is pushing users to turn on Location all the time. If you dont turn it on, youre stuck with spinning wheels unless you go straight to your favorites. I have 2 words for the developer "User Experience!!" Its 2015 my goodness!
The app now only shows few busses arrival times, and only for the currently arriving times (not the next one). This is not really useful
This application crashes constantly and is unusable. When no station is located nearby it also crashes.